Mary Louise Fox premiered on Busty Amateur in 2002. Young, newcomers flocked to San Diego to be lensed and posted on the premiere amateur site of the time. Originally from Peoria, Illinois and a waitress by day, Mary went to California to raise some money to open her own business. After doing a couple of videos she decided she didn't like making videos but liked doing stills.
She blitzed out a bunch of pics and returned home and opened her lingerie business. Six months later she returned for her final pictoral, eight months pregnant (see it at
Scoreland) with bigger tits then ever. She returned to Indiana to her business and wasn't heard for a couple of years. She tried to make a return to modelling but having a baby was just too hard on her tits and there wasn't much interest in her anymore. A shame because the camera loved Mary and she loved being on film. She always let the photographer suck and fondle her tits whenever and had a big smile too. Always willing to please and hot for more, Mary is truly a babe to remember.