Harmony Bliss is a big boob dreamgirl at Scoreland!!

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Harmony Bliss heads poolside for some relaxation. She's decked out in a tiny string bikini that looks great on her. She wastes no time playing with her tits including some nipple-tongue action. Meanwhile, Carlos is checking out her body and likes what he sees. Harmony gets some good vibrations by pulling on her bikini bottom to stimulate her pussy. When she pulls it aside, her "outie" (self-opening) pussy can be seen. When Carlos comes over, Harmony puts him to use, handing him a bottle of suntan oil. Oiling Harmony's body will be a pleasure. For her too, since she loves getting her tits touched and oiled up by man-hands. Things escalate to nipple licking while Harmony fingers her pussy. It's pants-droppin' time before long and Harmony reaches out for some cock. Between sucks, she tells Carlos she enjoys the taste of his shaft. The rich, meaty flavor gets her more excited. She suggests they head to his room for a bed and air-conditioning. Harmony's time spent in Los Angeles was productive, judging by the terrific way she spits on his cock and deep-throats him, hands-free. Carlos gets impatient to penetrate Harmony's pink hole and flips her over so he can fuck her face-to-face, standing by the bed as she lays on her back, her legs open. He pumps fast, the bed frame knocking with each pistoning. Harmony's unrestrained huge tits quake and shake as he approaches ramming speed. Harmony gives his cock a quick mouth-lube, then gets on her hands and knees for a fuck from behind. The thrusts drive her wild. She takes off her shoes so she can mount his man-pole in a reverse cowgirl and then face-to-face cowgirl. Carlos is near bursting by this time and Harmony knows it. She dismounts and sits on the bed while he stands by her. Harmony continues to reveal the latent talent she has for visually hot hardcore but kept under wraps during her years of only solo posing by jerking off his cock with her hand, her tongue sticking out lasciviously for the cum she seeks to extract from his balls. With a groan, Carlos pops his nuts all over her tits. Only a robot could have held back his ejaculation from her intense cock worship. Licking cum off her finger is the dessert Harmony so richly deserves for being such a hot fuck. Scoreland sends Harmony Bliss props for her sexual prowess and enthusiasm, unseen until now. We've waited patiently for this moment. See Harmony's photos in Hardcore Special. Running Time: 22:21

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