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Scoreland Is THE Place for Big Boob Lovers Like You.
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Welcome back to SCORE, Minka, the world's #1 Asian big-bust queen and porn star since 1994. No one can defeat her. No one can out-boob her. No one can match her long list of credits. Minka reigns supreme. The past few years, Minka has ramped up her tennis game...she was a tennis champion in Korea before she came to America...and her body is in fantastic shape because of all that training. Just check out her trim body in a red-hot string bikini at poolside in this fresh video. She's never looked better and her fit physique puts burger-eating teenagers to shame. Oiling up her national treasures has always required a lot of petroleum products but Minka is worth every drop. All Minka fans know she dearly loves to keep tan. She calls over SCORE prop-man Tony to rub her down and make her sexy body shine in the Florida sun. Minka's tits glisten and shine and the rubbing has made her tingle. She could use the cock. First, between her incredible breasts, then in her mouth and pussy. They head into the house for their private party. Minka towers over Tony but there's an old tradition in the big-boobed world of short guys banging tall bra-busters. "You've got big tits,” says Tony, who's never met Minka before and is probably shell-shocked. "I know I have big tits, " Minka replies with authority. "But I've got a small mouth and a small pussy!” Huge tits, tight pussy, small mouth. You can't ask for more than that in life. And Minka puts that small mouth to good use as she runs her pink tongue along the shaft. Then it's time to wham-bam. Minka likes to rub her clit when she's getting fucked in missionary position. She cums best doing that. And after she cums, she wants to see Tony cum...on her tits. See Minka's photo set from Minka Big Oil Spill in Hardcore Special. Running Time: 20:35

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